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a thick skin中文是什么意思

用"a thick skin"造句"a thick skin"怎么读"a thick skin" in a sentence


  • 厚脸皮
  • "thick"中文翻译    adj. 1.(opp. thin)厚的;(树枝)粗大的 ...
  • "skin"中文翻译    n. 1.(人体的)皮,皮肤。 2.〔口语〕皮肉;肉体, ...
  • "thick skin" 中文翻译 :    厚皮
  • "full thick skin graft" 中文翻译 :    全厚皮片
  • "have a thick skin" 中文翻译 :    脸皮厚, 不敏感
  • "laminated thick skin grafting" 中文翻译 :    重叠植皮术
  • "thick skin graft" 中文翻译 :    布朗氏移植片; 全层皮移植物
  • "thick split thickness skin graft" 中文翻译 :    厚断层皮片,厚的中厚皮片
  • "be thick with" 中文翻译 :    充满;与(某人)很亲密; 充满;与很亲密
  • "in the thick of" 中文翻译 :    在最激烈的时刻
  • "thick" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.(opp. thin)厚的;(树枝)粗大的。 2.浓厚的,黏稠的;混浊的。 3.不透明的;不清晰的(声音沙哑,口齿不清等)。 4.阴霾的,有浓雾的。 5.(树林等)茂密的;(毛发)浓密的;密集的,挤满人的;充满…的。 6.频频的,接连不停的(指雨,雪等)。 7.混杂的(with); 众多的;丰富的 (with)。 8.(器官,头脑)迟钝的。 9.〔口语〕亲密的,知己的,友好的 (with)。 10.〔英俚〕太过分的。 11.显著的。 The ice is 3 inches thick. 冰厚3英尺。 spread the butter thick 奶油涂得厚。 a thick mist [fog] 浓雾。 thick clouds 密云。 thick of hearing 听觉不灵。 thick speech 口齿不清的讲话。 thick syrup 黏稠的糖浆。 trees thick with leaves 叶子茂密的树。 the air thick with snow 大雪密集的天空。 The car is thick with people. 车子挤满了人。 The conditions are a bit too thick. 条件太过分了。 The river looks thick after the rain. 雨后河水浑浊。 as thick as thieves 非常亲密。 rather [a little too, a bit] thick 〔英俚〕(行为、要求等)太过分,太不要脸,受不了。 get a thick ear 〔英俚〕被打肿了耳朵。 give (sb.) a thick ear 〔英俚〕把(某人)打肿耳朵。 n. 1.最厚[粗]的部分,最浓部分,最活跃的部分,密茂处,最激烈处,最紧张时。 2.〔口语〕笨蛋,傻子。 3.〔俚语〕可可粉。 in the thick of 在…的最激烈时,处在…的深处,在…的最紧张时刻。 through thick and thin 在任何情形下,不顾艰难困苦;不避艰险,赴汤蹈火。 adv. 1.厚;浓;密;深。 2.频频地,时常。 3.(声音)浊;不清晰地。 4.〔口语〕太过分,过度。 The heart beats thick. 心跳得厉害。 lay it on thick 乱恭维。
  • "skin" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.(人体的)皮,皮肤。 2.〔口语〕皮肉;肉体,性命。 3. 兽皮,(特指小牛、山羊等小动物的)皮革。 【解剖学】真皮。 4.皮制品,(装酒等的)皮囊。 5.(果实、葱等的)皮,壳;奶皮。 6.【航海】(叠起来的)帆的上部;(船体的)外板,壳板。 7.〔俚语〕骗子;〔美口〕吝啬鬼,小气鬼。 8.〔戏谑语〕人,家伙;马,〔尤指〕瘦马。 9.〔美俚〕〔pl.〕一套鼓〔尤指爵士乐队的〕。 10.〔美俚〕一美元。 the true [inner] skin 真皮。 green [raw, undressed] skin 生皮。 clean skins 〔澳大利亚〕无烙印的野牛。 a bad old skin 〔俚语〕老坏蛋。 be in sb.'s skin 变做某人。 (I would not be in your skin. 我无论如何不愿意是你)。 be no skin off sb.'s back [nose] 〔美口〕与某人无关;对某人没影响。 by [with] the skin of one's teeth 〔口语〕好容易才,幸而。 cast the skin 脱皮。 change one's skin 改变性格;作风等;改头换面,装出新的面貌。 fly [jump, leap] out of one's skin 惊喜若狂;大吃一惊。 get off with a whole skin 平安脱险,安然无恙。 get under sb.'s skin 抓住某人的心;使某人高兴[发怒、厌烦]。 have a thick [thin] skin 感觉迟钝[敏锐];面皮厚[薄]。 in a bad skin 〔俚语〕情绪不好;发着脾气。 in [with] a whole skin 平安无事地。 in one's skin 〔戏谑语〕一丝不挂地。 save one's skin 平安逃脱,未受损伤。 skin and bone(s) (瘦得只剩)皮包骨。 wet(ted) to the skin 浑身湿透。 wear next to the skin 贴身穿着。 vt. (-nn-) 1.剥…的皮;削…的皮;使脱去贴身衣服;(拿皮)覆盖(伤口),使愈合 (over) 擦伤(皮)。 2.〔口语〕抢夺,骗取;(严厉)批评;责斥;〔美俚〕(比赛中)击败,胜过。 3.〔口语〕(用鞭)驱赶(牲口)。 a skinned rabbit 瘦鬼。 a skinned diamond 〔美国〕不长草的棒球场。 vi. 1.长皮 (over) (伤口)愈合,长出新皮。 2.〔美俚〕(考试等时)作弊,夹带。 3.〔口语〕攀爬 (up, down) 勉强挤过去 (by, through)。 4.〔俚语〕逃走,溜掉。 keep one's eyes skinned 〔口语〕把眼睛看牢,小心提防。 skin a flea for its hide (and tallow) 〔口语〕非常俭省。 skin a flint 非常吝啬。 skin a razor 做不可能的事情。 skin a wicked eye 〔美国〕不怀好意地盯着。 skin alive 〔美俚〕活剥;折磨;严责;使大败。 skin off 脱下(衣服等)。 skin out (猎狗)老远老远地乱跑。 skin the cat 两脚由双手间穿上去翻坐铁杆上。 skin the lamb 全赢,满贯。
  • "skin on" 中文翻译 :    带皮的胴体
  • "thick porridge thick gruel thick congee" 中文翻译 :    稠粥
  • "skin-to-skin" 中文翻译 :    紧贴的
  • "a bit thick" 中文翻译 :    过分
  • "a thick forest" 中文翻译 :    茂密的山林
  • "a thick line" 中文翻译 :    一条粗线
  • "a thick mist2" 中文翻译 :    漠漠的烟雾
  • "a thick rod" 中文翻译 :    粗竿
  • "a thick speech" 中文翻译 :    口齿不清的讲话
  • "airfoil; thick" 中文翻译 :    厚翼形
  • "as thick as hail" 中文翻译 :    密如雨点, 纷至沓来
  • "as thick as thieves" 中文翻译 :    亲密无间; 中者
  • "base thick" 中文翻译 :    带基厚度


  • You need a thick skin to be a politician .
  • You need a thick skin to be a politician
  • He has an honest nature and a thick skin , and never cares a bit about other people ' s criticisms
  • You have to have a thick skin in this modern world , but if you can grow it , more power to you
  • Making a living as a door - to - door salesman demands a thick skin , both to protect agai t the weather and agai t co tantly having the door shut in your face
  • Making a living as a door - to - door salesman demands a thick skin , both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face
  • Making a living as a door - to - door salesman demands a thick skin , both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face . bill porter puts up with all this and much , much more
  • Making a living as a doo - to - doo salesman demands a thick skin , oth to potect against the weathe and against constantly having the doo shut in you face . ill pote puts up with all this and much , much moe
  • Making a living as a door - to - door salesman demands a thick skin , both to protect agai t the weather and agai t co tantly having the door shut in your face . bill porter puts up with all this and much , much more
  • Making a living as a door - to - door salesman demands a thick skin , both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face . bill porter puts up with all this and much , much more
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